Taakra – #BattleOfWords
Held annually in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, the event “Taakra” generates huge enthusiasm from the undergrad students who are interested in public speaking. Started under the Student Government Association (SGA), the practice began 5 years ago by the local name “Jirga” but it was replaced to the name “Takra” after 2013.
This platform allows students to represent their class, battle for a title and present the topic in a specific time interval. Individuals (maximum six) from the respective classes, in turn, put forward their arguments in order to convince the judges and audience to beat the opponent team.
It is a clash of words between classes. Teams contradict each other with related ideas, thoughts and significant contentions in support or opposition of the particulate topic. The subjects are usually related to key administrative policies or any social issues.
“Taakra” is advantageous in broadening the participant’s view points and helps them strengthen their debating skills and communication aptitude.
Edited by Seerat Qurban.