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NaSCon’17, You wouldn’t want to miss out on this one!

NaSCon’17, You wouldn’t want to miss out on this one!

NASCON’s here! A sudden surge of excitement thunders across FAST NUCES.

FAST is arranging its annual event once more and it has become a phenomenon sending impulses of enthusiasm all across the academic universe. Brace yourselves! Only a few days left and the event’s finally here! NUCES has a treat for you all – Attend NASCON and bear witness the bliss the institution has to offer.

Alright let’s get to the point, assorted competitions and challenges in 5 different categories; the categories being CS, Sports, EE, Socials and FSM. Each category deals with a specific discipline. CS events are for the nerds, the computer geeks, the hi-tech junkies. EE events are for the weary engineers obsessed with Electricity, Robots and Wires. Sports! What about it? Are you a jock? The alpha male? Are you strong enough? Is your university’s team good enough? Then sign up and show up! Have you got the guts, the brains to deal with the society, to talk your way out of situations, to handle the corporate heat? Well, do you? If so then FSM and Social events are for you!

Well, are you still reading? I know why you proceeded, skimming through the text, you’re looking for the main event! What do we have for you apart from our events? There is a lot to look forward to. How can we miss out on the carnival? And specifically, the concert! Well yes! We are inviting Farhan Saeed & Abdullah Qureshi! And obviously, it isn’t going to be a night you forget. So don’t miss out!

Register Now or you will regret it!!!!/participant_register


Co-Author: Izza Chaudhry



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